Coaching | Consulting | Leadership Development
Coaching | Consulting | Leadership Development
Michelle Waters | Graeme Bowman | Dr Susie McDaniel
Interchange works in unison with a team of experts and associates willing to lead with a different voice and embrace the creative benefits that integrated and whole leadership brings to contemporary society
Michelle A. Waters
Since publishing The Orange Line, Michelle has continued to explore self limiting beliefs, behaviors and archetypes that inhibit both women and men from leading with their whole self, purposely. Prior to this, her own curiosity and passion for spiritual growth, creativity and conscious leadership led her to accept global projects and relocate to the U.S. from Australia. The impact of her pioneering and Award winning workplace work life strategies influenced Australian 'Workplace Standards', women in leadership and inclusion expansion practices. For 25 + years she has held management, executive (VP & SVP), consulting, coaching, and project management appointments. She is an intra/entrepreneur, interpersonal and organizational change agent and coach committed to serving the development of others.
Michelle uses a deep dive consulting and coaching program with tools to up-skill leaders to lead with their true self, purposely, consciously and courageously in the face of complexity. Her approach is wholistic and is founded upon her own courage to go deeper spiritully to discover her true self, learn presence, embrace change and challenge her beliefs.Michelle co-authored, The Orange Line: A Woman's Guide to Integrating Career, Family & Life, a study across the U.S. identifying a woman's self-limiting career belief and the skills needed to integrate work, family and purpose. To read Michelle's earlier peer reviewed research on organizational culture, see Work Friendly Policies: Useful or Symbolic, Asia Pacific Journal of HR.
Michelle holds a M. Mgt. and B.Ed. Studies from Monash University, Australia, Certificate of Welfare Studies, Institute of Social Welfare Victoria, Australia, She is a Certified Money Coach (CMC)® and completed the Program on Negotiation for Executives, Harvard Law School. She is a graduate of Shakti Leadership at USD and member of the Shakti Global Fellowship. Michelle is on the Board and VP of Peace Through Commerce, Treasurer of eChange Endeavors, and women's advisor to Braid Theory.
Michelle leads the Contemplative Prayer group at St Mel's Parish Woodland Hills, CA and co-founded Beaconhills College in Australia with over 3000 students.
Michelle works bi-coastal in the USA and Australia.
Graeme Bowman
Graeme Bowman has spent years researching the root causes of complex global problems and their relationship to patriarchy. This lead him to create the simple model, Pozzy to Cozzy, which explores the current transformation of our human operating system, from one based on the pyramid (Pozzy) to one based on the circle (Cozzy).
Graeme’s presentation style builds upon three decades of experience as a writer, speaker, performer and Master of Ceremonies in the field of corporate communications and comedy, across all industries. His satirical approach has often seen him lampooning the absurdities of society, corporate life and government bureaucracies.
Graeme has appeared at hundreds of conferences, awards dinners, product launches, special events and leadership retreats. Past clients include IBM, Canon, Pfizer, Glaxo, Coca Cola, Shell and many professional associations and government bodies.
Client comments about Graeme’s ‘Pozzy to Cozzy’ presentation:
“Light bulb presentation. Fantastic.”
“Last speaker on patriarchy was amazing.”
“This needs to be heard by so many more.”
“Brilliant performer, very clever poetry.”
“Very important messages delivered superbly and with great artistic flair and intellect.”
“OMG how inspired I am!”
“What a wonderfully humorous, relevant way to finish the conference...definitely the highlight.”
Dr Susan G. (“Susie”) McDaniel, Ph.D.
Dr. Susie McDaniel is an award-winning educator, coach, and mentor currently serving as Senior Lecturer at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Following an early career in organizational training, development, and marketing, Dr. McDaniel received her MA in Interpersonal Communication from the California State University in Northridge, and a Ph.D. in Interpersonal and Family Communication from Arizona State University.
For the past 35 years, Susie has educated and trained adult learners in the areas of interpersonal communication competence, interpersonal relationship skills development, presentation skills excellence, conflict management, small group power and decision making processes, and group identity formation through narratives and rituals. Most recently, Dr. McDaniel facilitated organization-wide training in Communication Skills for The Honest Company in Silicon Beach.
Susie advocates an engaged learning environment dedicated to individual leadership development based on personal growth through experiential learning. She is also a Master Gardener!
Purchase Book On Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Orange-Line-Womans-Integrating-Career/dp/0989207706
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