The Orange Line: A Woman's Guide to Integrating Career, Family & Life

The Orange Line: A Woman's Guide to Integrating Career, Family & Life

Why do women find work-life balance so hard? Why is having it all such an illusive quest? Why haven’t women achieved equality yet in the leadership ranks? The authors probe these questions and more in this highly anticipated new book. Through interviews with 118 college-educated women, they document the varied career stories and day-to-day anecdotes of the work-life struggle. They also uncover a revolutionary new line of thinking: Women are holding themselves back with outdated ideals and rigid rules for how to act naming this limiting belief system the Feminine Filter™.
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The authors call on women to reframe their assumptions, shed their guilt, and pursue their vocation with passion. The authors provide tools to help women remove this Filter so they can see more clearly to a new career path that includes work, family, and themselves.


The authors trace the professional path women follow on their pursuit of career success, starting with what they call the Green Line. This is when women, mostly in their twenties and thirties, identify themselves through their work, abandoning their own needs and exhausting themselves in the process. The Green Line career, despite the external rewards it may garner, often leads to a self-perpetuating and unfulfilling life story.


After time spent on the exhausting Green Line path, many women begin to seriously consider the prospect of opting out of their career. This might be to spend more time with their children, or because of a job loss, burnout or a health issue. In doing so they head off onto what the authors term the “Red Line” path. Now they make their career secondary in importance or even walk away from it completely, to focus fully on life and/or family.


In this book the authors describe a new career track opportunity: The Orange Line. Women on The Orange Line do not need to choose between work and life; they choose both and live both fully. Women can use The Orange Line as a launching pad to create a robust, whole life that integrates work, family, and self. Orange Liners learn to consciously pace themselves and design a career path that accommodates their own needs. They also take care not to “do it all,” but rather to assure themselves sufficient support in their home lives to preserve and enable their creative energy.


The Orange Line is the most radical call to arms for women in decades. It does not look to governments, corporations and other organizations to change. Instead, the authors inspire women to look inward. That is where women will find – and claim – their power.